Dr G. Mark Malouf was born in Sydney, Australia where he attended The Sydney University School of Medicine, graduating in 1976 with his MB,BS (Hons II) medical degree.
He spent 7 years at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, undergoing training to become a specialist surgeon. He was awarded his Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS) in1983, before moving to England for three years to participate in research and study, and practise varicose vein treatments at St Mary's Hospital, London. During this time, he delivered several papers on the subject of varicose vein problems and was awarded his Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS) in 1984.
Upon returning to Sydney in late 1985, he commenced in private practise as a specialist surgeon with a strong emphasis on the diagnosis and treatment of varicose veins and venous disease. In 1988, Dr Malouf was elected as the secretary of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Phlebology, Australia's oldest venous society, and was subsequently elected President in 2000, a position which he retains to this day.
​From 1992 to 1997, Dr Malouf was involved in the clinical trial to bring Australia and New Zealand a new solution, Aethoxysklerol, to treat varicose veins using injections. He has attended numerous International Congresses of Phlebology as both a faculty member/speaker and an executive in countries such as France, Germany, the USA, Italy, Greece, New Zealand, England, India, China, Argentina, Brazil, Portugal, Japan and Turkey. He continues this attendance at international vein meetings to bring back to Australia the latest ideas and treatment methods that will benefit Australian patients. From 2005 to 2009, Dr Malouf held the position of International Vice-President of the Union Internationale de Phlebologie (UIP) – the world body of phlebological societies and colleges from over 50 participating countries.
This international training and expertise has instilled in Dr Malouf a well-rounded and broad-minded approach. His practice thrives on word-of-mouth referrals from both General Practitioners and patients who are very satisfied with their results. Dr Malouf remains active in research, regularly presenting his findings at national and international conferences, as well as teaching medical students and surgical trainees at local venous workshops.
Varicose veins are a common condition caused by weak or damaged vein walls and valves. Veins have one-way valves inside them that open and close to keep blood flowing toward the heart. However, if a weakness in the vein walls develop or valves become incompetent, this can cause blood to flow backwards and pool, causing them to enlarge and become visible. This is why varicose veins may appear as large, dilated, twisted and ropey lumps on the leg that bulge above the skin surface. They are usually blue, green or dark purple in colour. Any superficial vein may become varicosed but it most commonly affects the legs due to the increase in pressure of the lower body.
Often patients come to see Dr Malouf with smaller “spider” veins on their thighs or calves. Dr Malouf will determine, using an ultrasound scan, if there are flow problems in your superficial or deep veins. If there are no such flow issues, the problem is not a serious one and is not a danger to your health. However, the cosmetic appearance of these spider veins can be greatly improved, usually by using injection treatment or sclerotherapy.
Despite popular opinion, varicose veins are not just a cosmetic concern. They can cause symptoms that may include aching and heavy legs, tiredness, burning, itching, numbness, tingling and throbbing. Some patients may present with none of these symptoms, and may feel that there is nothing wrong with the affected leg apart from the physical appearance. However, venous disease is progressive and as such, there can be real medical consequences to leaving varicose veins untreated.
The pooling of blood within varicose veins over time can lead to serious complications and the leg can display signs of chronic venous insufficiencies such as:​
Clotting or venous thrombosis - Either in the superficial varicose veins themselves or the deep veins of the leg
Venous Ulceration - Varicose veins may cause the skin in the lower leg to break down causing a leg ulcer
Pigmentation - The development of a brown discolouration in the area above the ankle caused but the leaking of blood through damaged blood vessels
Lipodermatosclerosis - Thickening and hardening of the soft fatty layer of tissue near the ankle
Varicose eczema - When the skin towards the lower leg and ankle become itchy, hot and scaly and turn red
Oedema - A complication of chronic venous disease where the ankle, foot and/or lower leg swells
Bleeding - Can occur when the varicose vein comes through the skin and starts to bleed unexpectedly
Cellulitis - This is an infection of the skin and fatty tissue in the lower leg